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Can one predict the survival of passengers on the titanic based on attributes like their name, age, gender, title, ticket number, room number, the port they boarded from, etc.? In this project, we use the Kaggle's public titanic datasets to train a linear regression, logistic regression, and neural network ML model, and compare their results and accuracies.

Image by NOAA

Used SQL to interrogate a database and answer questions about a hypothetical online music store (similar to iTunes) called Chinook. Answered questions related to Chinook's business, employee performance, etc. Also performed a bit of market segmentation.

Image by Rubaitul Azad

Used datasets from the NYC Department of Education to investigate correlations between attributes of different high schools (demographic, socioeconomic, etc) and their standardized testing scores.


Used SQL to interrogate the CIA Factbook (a compendium of statistics on countries across the globe). Examined countries at risk of overpopulation, underpopulation, etc.

Digital World Map

An interrogation of Employee Exit Survey datasets from the DETE (Department of Education, Training and Employment) and TAFE (Technical and Further Education) to answer the following questions:

  1. Are employees who only worked for a short period of time resigning due to some kind of dissatisfaction?

  2. Are younger employees resigning due to some kind of dissatisfaction? What about older employees?

Image by Nick Fewings.jpg.webp

Created a one pager data visualization comparing and contrasting the effects of the COVID-19 and Great Financial Crisis (GFC) on the Euro to US Dollar exchange rate.

Image by Anastasiia Chepinska.jpg.webp

Interstate 94 (I-94) is an east–west Interstate Highway connecting the Great Lakes and northern Great Plains regions of the United States. In this project, we find key indicators/predictors for heavy traffic on I-94 West.

Image by Aleksandr Popov.jpg.webp

Analyze data on viewership of the star wars movies. We'll be using a dataset on the Star Wars franchise gathered by FiveThirtyEight via SurveyMonkey to address the question, "does the rest of America realize that “The Empire Strikes Back” is clearly the best of the bunch?"

Image by Daniel K Cheung.jpg.webp

Extensively cleaned and analyzed data on used car sales on eBay in Germany. Objective was to find out the average prices and mileage of car brands with the largest market shares in Germany.

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As an aspiring developer, what kind of app should you develop that would likely be popular among smartphone users? I investigated this question using datasets from both the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store. Different App genres were assessed by size of their user base, as well as market competition.

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